Developing Your Devotional Practice
A 2-hour Session, supporting your Devotional Practice
Service Description
Hail and Welcome. 🙏 As a more specialised area of my practice, it's my intention to serve the Divine Feminine by aiding her Priestesses and Witches to live more joyous, purposeful, spiritual lives. Using Astrology, I can offer guidance on your personal Devotional Practice by exploring how the Divine Feminine presents Herself in your chart. Firstly, we'll explore the Intuitive Plane in your numerology chart to better understand how you personally connect with the Divine Realms. We'll also explore the House of the Goddess (ie: the 3rd House) for rich insight into your connection with Her. And then, we'll turn to one of Her ancient forms, Inanna, the Great Queen of Heaven. The ancient Sumerians tracked the Venus cycle with great precision & shared Her 18-month astronomical journey through the telling of Inanna's mythic return journey to the Underworld to visit Her Sister, Ereshkigal. Their mythological tale precisely connects Venus' movements through the Heavens with our astrology charts, but also with our chakras. With this guidance, we can determine where Inanna was on Her journey at the moment you were born. We'll calculate which of the Sacred Gateways (chakras) She had entered, and determine whether She was: in Her descent phase, intent on Her journey to meet Ereshkigal; actually in the Underworld; or whether She was now ascending again to Her place of honour in the Heavens. Was She in the process of removing all obstacles and blockages to Her power? Or was She ascending and reclaiming Her power in its full strength, having gone through the Underworld experience? We'll also explore the Great Meta-Goddess that ruled the 18-month Venus cycle that you were born into. By understanding where She was in Her journey, we're provided with significant information regarding how the Divine Feminine calls you to engage and serve Her in this lifetime. Finally, by working with the Asteroids, we can also determine which (if any) of the specific faces of the Goddess are prominent in your natal chart. There may be Goddesses you haven't even heard of enacting their wisdom and stories through you! By all means, if there is a particular Goddess that you work with, or have dedicated yourself to as Priestess, please let me know. If She has been identified as an asteroid in our Heavens, then I'll be able to specifically search your natal chart for Her presence. I look forward to supporting you in refining your Devotional Practice. 🙏 Blessed Be.

Cancellation Policy
To reschedule a Personal Consultation or a 1:1 Private Tuition Session, please contact me at least 48 hours in advance. Refunds will not be issued for those who simply fail to attend our session, or who cancel inside 48 hours of our appointment, as I will already have completed the preparation work for your natal charts, and it will be too late to offer that appointment time to someone else.
Contact Details
Katoomba NSW, Australia