The AYS Align Your Soul Wellness Centre, Tahmoor, NSW
Four Day Intensive
over the Labour Day Long Weekend
ie: 5, 6, 7 *PLUS* 13 October, 2019
* Self-enquiry. Self-awareness. Self-empowerment. Self-love.*
Have you ever thought, "Oh, yes! I know Numerology. I’m a 9!” ... Many seem to believe that Numerology reduces our depth and complexity to just one, solitary number, but our Numerology Natal Charts are far richer and MUCH more complex than that.
Join us at the AYS Wellness Centre in Tahmoor for a Four-Day Numerology Intensive over the Labour Day Long Weekend in October, 2019. Dates: 5, 6, 7 PLUS 13 October.
Our ​Deep Dive into Numerology will be an intensive look at this magnificent archetypal language. In our time together, we'll learn how to successfully cast charts for ourselves and others. This includes learning how to calculate the Birth Path Number, Destiny Number, Heart Number, Personality Number, Maturity Number, Karmic Lessons, Life Challenges, and our Gifts & Talents, as well as some timing techniques. We'll then engage each of the Number archetypes, so that we can develop an integrated understanding of them, and a personal relationship with them.
Please know that this is more than a dry, intellectual course. It's an invitation to deeply connect with yourself and your life path. The journey within can feel enlightening, inspiring, painful, surprising, refreshing, and challenging. Like a Soul mirror, Numerology shows us as we are - gifts, challenges, and all. It's one of the most direct, honest, and non-biased routes we have to self-awareness and self-acceptance. With Numerology, we ultimately discover that nothing has ever been random; that Life always has our backs; and that we're supported in our quests for personal and spiritual growth.
The truth is, of course, that Numerology doesn't make the challenges or obstacles in our lives any easier. We'll still go through experiences that are going to be painful. But in studying this archetypal language, we are engaging a spiritual discipline that centres us inside whatever is unfolding. We're empowered to view the experience through an archetypal lens and to therefore embrace it as an opportunity for soul learning and soul growth, rather than wondering, "Why does this keep happening to me???"
Here's what I believe … There is an underlying intelligence weaving its way throughout all of life, connecting everything. As an astrologer and numerologist, I work with this underlying intelligence every day. I see it at play in everyone's charts, in everyone's lives. What I know for sure is this:
- We live in an ensouled Universe.
- Life has our back.
- Nothing has ever been random.
- Everything we've ever experienced has loyally served our Soul's growth.
Your life definitely has a plan! Do you trust it??
* If you're ready to engage Life and the Divine in a deeper conversation, I invite you to join us!
* If you're ready to deepen your level of self-awareness, self-empowerment, and self-healing, I invite you to journey with us!
* If you're ready to understand those in your tribe and family at a much deeper, more intimate level ("Why do they DO that???"), I invite you to learn Numerology with us!
* If you're keen to connect with your fellow, like-minded Seekers, I invite you to reach out and claim one of the final spots in our course!
Student Testimonials:
"To experience Juliette’s Numerology Course is like having an invitation to speak to your own soul, to hear its desires, to know what lessons you’ve come here for, to see the truth of yourself. I feel like I’ve been given permission to be me in the most beautiful way, and to really step into my power and my gifts! So much makes sense, now! So many revelations! I have also learnt invaluable information about the people in my life, especially my children, and how I can support their journey on a new and deep level. I have a powerful new way of understanding and relating to their souls' individual needs! The ripple effect from attending Juliette’s course will be felt through my whole tribe and beyond! I feel so blessed and grateful to have found Juliette’s offerings! Thank you. x"
- Tracie Callaghan, Australia
Owner, Heart Body Soul Holistic Healing Centre, Lismore, NSW
"As soon as I saw Juliette’s course advertised, I knew it was for me. Although I had a basic understanding of numerology, I was ready to dive deeper. I was blown away by everything I learned. It’s been a week since completing the course, and I’m still processing the content. I’m seeing everything around me in a different way!
I was sad to leave the group of beautiful souls with whom I shared 4 whole days with.
Juliette is an amazing teacher with a prolific wealth of knowledge and love of her subject. Her passion, expression, and way of connecting with each and everyone in the group was magical and alchemical. I was supremely impressed with a statement she made in the intro on the first day around if we didn’t understand anything to ask, and keep asking until we did.
The journey through the 9 archetypes was quite a revelation for me. It was as though I was meeting parts of myself and seeing them through a different lens. It helped me understand my life's journey to this point.
Juliette’s real and honest sharing of her own life experiences, plus all the other wonderful tools she uses, helped illustrate and imbue each archetype with a depth and richness of knowledge. Juliette has definitely re-ignited the child-like wonder in me and I know that I will continue to grow and learn. The last day bought some deep emotions up and a lot of Aha moments. I felt safe, seen and heard. I’m truly grateful for the gifts she is sharing with us all.
Thanks, Juliette. You are truly one of the realest, rawest, truest expressions of a soul I have been privileged to be a student of and witness.
Big love, Olga"
- Armidale, NSW
Come, Join Us!
This course is an invitation to learn this powerful, metaphysical tool. It requires nothing more than our birth name and our date of birth. You can engage it on your own path of personal and spiritual growth, but also to support those you love, ie: your family & friends, your colleagues, clients, and students.
I truly hope you decide to join us! Please feel free to reach out, should you have any queries or concerns at all. I'm so excited about this Course, and I'd love to talk with you!
The Practical Side of Things:
When: Four Day Intensive over the Labour Day Long Weekend,
ie: 5th, 6th, 7th PLUS 13th October, 2019
Class times: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm each day
Venue: The Align Your Soul Wellness Centre
Shop 6, 143-145 Remembrance Drive
Tahmoor NSW 2573
What You'll Receive:
** Four full days of Tuition (in person)
** Additional 2 x Bonus Q&A sessions (3 hours each, online), where you can connect in with our Group and ask any questions you may have. I'll also share additional material in these sessions. Whether or not you attend, you'll receive the recordings afterwards.
Time of online sessions: Thursdays 10 & 17 October, 6:30 - 9:30 pm.
** Unlimited access to me via our private Facebook group for the duration of our Course.
** Recordings of our Classes and online Sessions, for your reference library
** An invitation to join an Alumni group (on Facebook) of fellow seekers who have also studied
numerology with me.
Course Fees: We have three different packages available! Which suits you best??
Click here for all the details.
Course Structure:
Our Course will be offered via a Deep Dive over four full days. The first day will be dedicated to learning how to cast a numerology chart using just a person's birth name and date of birth. Students are encouraged to bring the birth details for their friends and loved ones, too! On this first day, we'll also explore the rich, philosophical, and metaphysical underpinnings of numerology, as well as the ethics involved in learning this archetypal language.
We will then immerse ourselves into the core essence of the Number Archetypes over our remaining three days together - three numbers archetypes per day! We'll have ample time to journey deeply with each archetype, exploring them from multiple multimedia sources to help ground them in our awareness, eg: poetry, movie scenes, songs, story books, quotes, and images. I find this greatly facilitates our instinctive awareness of the Number Archetypes ... it makes them 'real'.
By constantly referring back to our own natal charts as we progress through the Course, we discover how each archetype engages us personally.
As well as our time together in person, we can interact online in our private Facebook group. I'll share an *abundance* of extra material here, to support your studies.
I'll be offering two additional x 3-hour, online sessions via Zoom, on Thursday evenings (ie: Thursdays 10 & 17 October, 6:30-9:30 pm). These are optional, informal sessions to give us an extra opportunity to check in with each other. You are encouraged to bring any questions you may have regarding the Course. I will be at your disposal! I will probably share extra material here, too!
For further information on the Course content etc, please check out the details here. :-)
Ready to join us? Yay!!
There are only 10 spaces available, so claim your spot!
Course Fees:
I'd like this course to be accessible to everyone, which is why I've kept the price as low as possible.
I'm offering a $100 Early Bird Discount to those who put up their hand and say, "Count me in!" a few weeks before the Course begins. It helps me to plan a bit better for the Course, and I like to show my appreciation for that by offering the discount. I also offer a Friends' Discount of $30 to those who enrol with their friends.
Payment Plans are available on request. And remember, you can always use my need-based tuition if you are in a tight spot with your finances. Shoot me a message, tell me about your situation, and I'll try to work with you to make it feasible! I am always committed to making numerological education accessible for others!
1) Regular Package:
Includes: Four days' tuition, Four x 2-hour online sessions mid-week, all Recordings, full access to our Private Facebook Group, and an invitation to join our Alumni Group.
Early Bird before 13 September: $595 or $495 Concession
Full Price after 13 September: $695 or $595 Concession.
LESS: $30 Friends Discount (for both you & your friend!)
2) VIP Package:
Includes: The Regular Package
PLUS: 3 x discounted private tuition sessions to support your studies and journey. (1 hour each)
Early Bird before 13 September: $745 or $645 Concession
Full Price after 13 September: $845 or $745 Concession.
LESS: $30 Friends Discount (for both you & your friend!)
3) VIP PLUS Package:
Includes: The VIP Package
PLUS: a discounted personal reading with me (3 hour consultation)
Early Bird before 13 September: $1,045 or $945 Concession
Full Price after 13 September: $1,145 or $1,045 Concession
LESS: $30 Friends Discount (for both you & your friend!)
Payment can be made via Bank Transfer, or PayPal.
Here are my Bank Account Details, if you'd like to pay via Bank Transfer/Direct Deposit. Please include your name as the Transaction Reference for the transfer, and the number 1, 2, or 3 to let me know which package you're registering for. Thanks! (It ensures I can identify your payment.)
BSB: 484-799
Account number: 200191604
Account Name: Valentina
If you'd like to pay via PayPal, simply let me know which package you're interested in, and I'll send you a Payment Request (including all applicable discounts). So easy!
NB: Payment Plans are available on request.
Please feel free to contact me with any queries or concerns you may have. I'd love to speak with you about numerology or the Course itself. And I look forward to journeying with you!
Phone Number: 0400 153 844
Email: juliette@soulweaving.com.au
Juliette xo
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