What is your favourite colour?
Have you ever wondered what it means, if anything?? Or if there are particular colours that your Soul resonates with? And, if so, could these colours give you clues about your Soul's Blueprint for this incarnation? (Hint: YES!)
If so, I invite you to explore the symbolic language of Colour with me!
Let's look at how colour can both illuminate and support our Soul's journey. Let's delve into the emotional and psychological meaning of the colours we're drawn to, and understand why we instinctively crave them. We can also explore those colours that revulse us, and better understand our response to them.
Let's also explore easy ways to incorporate these colours into our daily lives to support ourselves and those around us (eg: our children).
One of the great things about working with colour is that it's non-intrusive and self-selective!
As a numerologist, Juliette will show us how to calculate our Birth Path Number. And then, drawing on the extraordinary Aura-Soma system, we can see which colours are actually anchored in our natal charts. Seriously! We can see the colours that our Souls came in with, and the gifts and lessons that they indicate for our Life Path.
And finally, we'll have a brief look at candle magick, one of the easiest forms of magick to learn. Let's consecrate and dedicate our candles, making sure that the colour of our candle corresponds with our magickal intentions. Everyone who comes along will receive three, coloured, spell candles (of their choice) to take home with them.
If you would like to learn about the Archetypal Language of Colour, I would be deeply honoured (and excited!) to share this language with you.
This Intensive os for YOU, if ...
if you'd love to learn Numerology - especially if you're keen to actually apply it to your life!
if you're seeking a deeper level of self-love, self-awareness, & self-empowerment
if you're ready to understand your loved ones at a deeper level ("Why do they DO that??")
if you're curious about becoming a Numerologist
if you love mythology!
if you're ready to engage some of the bigger questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Is it all just random chaos, or is there actually a deeper meaning & purpose to all that I've gone through??
if you'd like to open up a dialogue between yourself and the Cosmos; to connect with the greater archetypal intelligence that's always in play.
If you're a practitioner who'd like to complement your existing modalities with Numerology
if you'd love to journey with a group of like-minded Seekers - sharing our journeys & insights; forging emotional connections; and embracing an authentic openness & presence. (Sharing is where the 'magic' happens! It's where we get to see the archetypes "with their boots on the ground," so to speak. There is much to learn, here!)

I am committed to creating a safe space,
for a diverse and inclusive community.
Everyone is welcome here.
You are welcome here.

This is more than a
dry, intellectual course.
Yes, we'll be covering a LOT of ground together. I want you to feel confident and comfortable casting charts for yourself and others, and I want you to have a strong introduction to each of the archetypes.
This is most certainly an Intensive. BUT ... It's also an invitation to deeply connect with your True Self
and the Bigger Archetypal Picture of your Life Path.
Like a Soul Mirror, Numerology awakens us to the greater truth of who we truly are, free of the expectations of our parents, our teachers, our preachers, our friends, and the 'influencers' on social media.
One of my students commented on just how astonished she felt (in her self-reflection practices) by the sheer level of honesty required by Numerology. In her words, our journey together felt, "enlightening, inspiring, surprising, painful, refreshing, and challenging."
Put another way, another of my students said, this work "calls you out in a way that your soul begs for, and holds a mirror to your greatest potential."
Yes! It illuminates those parts of you that you thought were invisible to others, unknowable ... as well as those parts that you didn't even know were there, deep in the subconscious. That's what this work does. In the words of yet another of my beautiful students, this work "offers us a chance to look at our shadow side and to work with it in a compassionate and constructive way."
I share the words of my students with you, as this is the most organic, authentic way I can think of to share both the journey that I'm offering, and how others have engaged with it on their personal journeys of self-discovery. Please feel free to read their full testimonials here.
By opening ourselves to the greater wisdom of Numerology, we realise that we're fully supported in our quest for personal & spiritual growth. And thus aligned with our Soul truth, we realise that we are both empowered and challenged to view our experiences through an archetypal lens. We are called to embrace all that unfolds in our life as an opportunity for Soul growth, rather than railing against the Heavens, demanding:
"AGAIN?! Seriously?? Why does this keep happening to me???"
Here's what I believe:
I believe that there is an underlying Intelligence that weaves its way throughout all of Life. It connects everyone and everything in a great web of sympathetic magick.
As an Astrologer and Numerologist, I work with this Intelligence, or this Cosmic Mind, every day. I see it at play in everyone's charts; in everyone's lives. And I believe that we are called to not only recognise but to trust this deeper intelligence.
What I now know for sure is this:
We live in an ensouled, intelligent Cosmos.
Nothing has ever been random. (I can hear Number 5 clearing its throat as I type this, haha!)
Life has always had our backs.
Everything we've ever experienced has loyally served our Soul's growth.
Life after life, we've incarnated to do our work of personal and spiritual growth.
Each lifetime, there is a new wisdom to be mastered and integrated; gifts to be shared; karmic imbalances to be addressed; and old habitual patterns to be broken down and transformed. We're voluntarily walking our path of individuation.
In walking this evolutionary path, we've committed to a "curriculum" of our own choosing … even if our first response to this notion is, "Whaaaat??? I would never have chosen any of this!!" I get it. I hear you. It's a complicated subject ...
But yes, even then - even when our experiences seem difficult, heartbreaking, or crushingly harsh, and beyond our control or comprehension. Even then, I believe that everything is part of a greater design of our own choosing. In fact, I often envisage my Soul doing an ecstatic dance on the other side of the veil, while I desperately wrestle with some enormous new learning on this side!
To be clear, while Numerology and Astrology allow us to pull back the veil and engage these deeper mysteries of our Soul's journey, they won't make the challenges in our lives any easier. We'll still grapple with these painful experiences. But, rather than feeling like the hapless victim of an uncaring universe, we'll be empowered to see the bigger archetypal picture in play.
We'll be gifted with a level of Symbolic Sight and Soul guidance that is otherwise inaccessible at this mundane, 3D, material realm.
AND we'll be aware of how it is actually supporting us; transforming us.
We might even, in the midst of it all, feel called to say, "Thank you."
If you're ready to engage your Path with this greater level of
awareness, intention, clarity, and consciousness, then you're in the right place.

The Invitation:
This course is an invitation to learn this extraordinary, metaphysical language. You can apply its insights to your own path of personal growth and transformation, but also to the paths of those you love, including your family & friends, your lovers, your colleagues, clients, and your students.
What Students Have Said:
"To experience Juliette’s Numerology Course is like having an invitation to speak to your own soul, to hear its desires, to know what lessons you’ve come here for, to see the truth of yourself. I feel like I’ve been given permission to be me in the most beautiful way, and to really step into my power and my gifts!
So much makes sense, now! So many revelations!
I have also learnt invaluable information about the people in my life, especially my children, and how I can support their journey on a new and deep level. I have a powerful new way of understanding and relating to their souls' individual needs! The ripple effect from attending Juliette’s course will be felt through my whole tribe and beyond!
I feel so blessed and grateful to have found Juliette’s offerings! Thank you. x"
- Tracie Callaghan, Australia
Owner, Heart Body Soul Holistic Healing Centre, Lismore

"As soon as I saw Juliette’s course advertised, I knew it was for me. Although I had a basic understanding of numerology, I was ready to dive deeper. I was blown away by everything I learned. It’s been a week since completing the course, and I’m still processing the content. I’m seeing everything around me in a different way!
I was sad to leave the group of beautiful souls with whom I shared 4 whole days.
Juliette is an amazing teacher with a prolific wealth of knowledge and love of her subject. Her passion, expression, and way of connecting with each and everyone in the group was magical and alchemical. I was supremely impressed with a statement she made in the intro on the first day around if we didn’t understand anything to ask, and keep asking until we did.
The journey through the 9 archetypes was quite a revelation for me. It was as though I was meeting parts of myself and seeing them through a different lens. It helped me understand my life's journey to this point.
Juliette’s real and honest sharing of her own life experiences, plus all the other wonderful tools she uses, helped illustrate and imbue each archetype with a depth and richness of knowledge. Juliette has definitely re-ignited the child-like wonder in me and I know that I will continue to grow and learn. The last day bought some deep emotions up and a lot of Aha moments. I felt safe, seen and heard. I’m truly grateful for the gifts she is sharing with us all.
Thanks, Juliette. You are truly one of the realest, rawest, truest expressions of a soul I have been privileged to be a student of and witness.
Big love, Olga"
"As soon as I met Juliette, I knew I wanted to learn more about Numerology … Hearing her talk with such wisdom, insight, enthusiasm, and passion about the sacred language of numbers and how all aspects of our lives are shaped and moulded by our relationship with these archetypes, hooked me immediately. I have not been disappointed!
I have dabbled a little with numerology before and thought it was interesting, same as how I find reading my horoscope in the paper interesting ... But with this class the energies have been made real, and made so relevant to me and my soul's journey. Juliette is such a skilled teacher she brings the information that she shares with us completely alive so that not only do I understand it intellectually, but I know it and feel it. It allows me to unravel and see different aspects of myself and my loved ones, bringing a greater understanding of our journeys and why we do the things we do. In so doing, this work brings empathy, compassion and new ways of being and interacting with the world.
Numerology allows you a “sneak peak” at what your soul has chosen to work on this time around, to make the unconscious conscious, to give yourself an opportunity to master the lessons you have chosen and to grasp all opportunities presented to you wholeheartedly, because ultimately you realise YOU have chosen all those lessons and opportunities as a part of your soul’s growth... This really is profound work in understanding and accepting yourself.
Thank you, Juliette. Seeing someone who so clearly loves what they do is so heart opening and inspiring. xx"
- Kate Hotson, Owner, Coffs Zen Space, Coffs Harbour

Marianne Williamson:
“It takes courage ... to endure the sharp pains of self discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives.”

I honour you for walking this path
of self-awareness, empowerment, and individuation.
Trust the process. Trust your story. Trust Life itself.
What to expect:
In our first three modules, we'll explore the rich philosophical and metaphysical underpinnings of Numerology, along with the ethics involved in working with the archetypal languages. We'll also learn how to cast a natal chart using just a person's birth name and their date of birth. During these first three modules, we'll cast as many charts as we can ... practise, practise, practise! And by the end of Module 3, you'll feel confident and comfortable with the:
a) Birth Path Number
b) Destiny Number
c) Heart Number
d) Personality Number
e) Maturity Number
f) Rational Thought Number
g) Karmic Lesson Numbers
h) Personal Years, Months, Days
i) Pinnacle Numbers and Challenges
j) The Overall Life Challenge Number
We'll also learn the 'Numerabet', as my students affectionately call it, thanks to our Kate. (You'll meet her in the Alumni group!) What does this mean?? It means that we'll learn how to turn our ABCs into 123s! This is a vital skill for Numerologists, as roughly half of our natal chart calculations require our birth name. My techie son has created a simple computer game to help us learn the Numerabet by heart. Everyone will have free access to this simple game, to help us become confident with this foundational skill.
We will also have access to a student's web-app that has been created especially for Soul Weaving's students by my techie partner. (For a Luddite, it's funny how many techies I'm surrounded by!) This web-app is my way of supporting you in checking your work so you can gain confidence in your new skills.
The Next Nine Modules: Once we can cast natal charts ourselves, we'll immerse ourselves in each of the nine Number Archetypes in turn - one archetype per module. We'll explore their core essence, character, strengths, gifts, priorities, resources, defences, talents, and weaknesses.
We'll need to allow roughly three hours in Class for each module. (We're Deep Diving, beautiful people!) Additionally, there will be a variety of extension exercises and supplemental, multi-media materials provided for everyone to work with between classes (eg: poetry, movie scenes, story books, quotes, and images). I find this multimedia approach greatly helps us to develop our intuitive connection to the archetypes. Otherwise our understanding will be limited solely to our intellect.
Throughout the Intensive, you will constantly be invited to refer back to your own natal chart to understand how each of the archetypes engage you, personally.
Our Final Module: In our final Module together, we'll cast the charts of two public figures - one saint and one hip-hop rapper. And then, looking at their lives through the lens of their charts, we'll explore what they're known for. This is to help us understand how the chart can come together cohesively, as a whole. We'll also have time for final Q & A!

Our Tech Stack:
As well as our classes on Zoom, everyone will be given access to carefully curated Pinterest Boards - one for each of the archetypes. We will also be using Canva for creative, archetypal projects. And finally, we will be connected online in our own Slack group, for online support throughout our 13-week journey.
I'm not really a fan of Facebook, nor of their groups. So, I've decided to use Slack, which is a free app for communicating within groups. This is where we'll receive support; discuss Course content; share our creative projects & charts; ask questions; receive Zoom info for our live calls; and share/organise files (eg: Extension Materials) ... the list goes on! It's also where you'll receive access to the video and audio recordings of our classes, available for download.
So, this will be our Tech Stack:
Zoom, Pinterest, Slack, and Canva.
Be assured, I'll host an online technology session (on Zoom) in the week before we actually launch, to make sure that everyone feels confident and comfortable with these technologies. And I'll be able to support you throughout the course, as needed.
The Practical Side of Things:
When: 13 Consecutive Tuesdays, 22 June - 14 September, 2021
(We launch on the night after the Winter Solstice, ie: the first day of our New Year!)
Class times: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm, Sydney time (Time Zone: AEST)
Where: Online via Zoom
(NB: Recordings will be made available to every student, even if you miss a class.)
Class size: max 10 Students. (There are currently 5 places left!)
I'm offering a $160 Early Bird Discount AND a Special Bonus: a 1-hour, one-on-one tuition session with me to those who put up their hand and say, "Count me in!" before Friday, 21 May. Early enrolments help me to plan better for the Course, and I like to show my appreciation for that by offering this discount and special bonus.
I also offer a $50 Friends' Discount to those who enroll with their friends. I love to encourage friends to journey together, so they have someone to practise with long after the course has ended.
*Payment Plans* are available on request. I also offer two partial scholarships, for those who are in a tight spot with their finances. Please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm committed to making archetypal education accessible in our community!
We have three different course packages available.
Which suits you best?

13 weeks of Live tuition via Zoom - 3 to 3.5 hours each Class
(ie: approximately 39 - 45 hours of Live Classes, recorded) -
12 x 'Office Hours' - 1 hour each, so 12 hours in total, recorded. This is an additional opportunity to connect live with me each week, via Zoom, for a group Q&A session. Bring your charts and your questions!
All Recordings
Full access to me throughout our journey, via our Private Slack Group;
Weekly Course Extension Materials
Access to carefully curated Pinterest Boards - one for each archetype
An invitation to join our Alumni Group at the end of our Journey - a beautiful, welcoming community anchored in a passion for Numerology
Early Bird on or before 21 May: $735
Full Price after 21 May: $895
LESS: $50 Friends' Discount (if you register with a friend!)
STUDIOUS! Package:
Includes: Everything offered in the 'KNOW THYSELF!' Package
PLUS: 3 x 1-hour private tuition sessions, to support your studies.
(Discounted to $150. Usually $195)
Early Bird on or before 21 May: $885
Full Price after 21 May: $1,045
LESS: $50 Friends' Discount (if you register with a friend!)
Includes: Everything offered in the 'STUDIOUS' Package
PLUS: A Personal Natal Reading with me (3-hour consultation).
(Discounted to $280. Usually $350)
Early Bird on or before 21 May: $1,165
Full Price after 21 May: $1,225
LESS: $50 Friends' Discount (if you register with a friend!)
This is a video testimonial by the fabulous Amanda Curtis, of Ananda Holistic Health. 😀
Payment Details
Payment can be made via Bank Transfer (preferred), PayPal, or Credit Card.
My bank account details are:
Bank: Suncorp Bank
BSB: 484-799
Account No: 200191604
Name: Valentina
If you send payment via Bank Transfer, could you give your name as the Transaction Reference, please? Thank you! It will ensure I can easily identify your payment.
If you'd prefer to make payment via Credit Card or PayPal, let me know, and we'll sort that out! Very simple.
Any questions? Queries?
I truly hope you decide to join us! Please feel free to reach out, should you have any questions at all. I'm so excited about this Course, and I'd love to talk with you about it or about Numerology itself!
Of course, some would prefer to study privately with me, rather than in a group dynamic. If you feel that's something you'd like to explore, then let's have a chat. I do currently have room for one more private student. We could create a tailor-made, private schedule just for you. Click here to learn more about studying with me privately.
You can reach me here:
Phone: 0400 153 844
Email: juliette@soulweaving.com.au
or via this Contact Form.
I look forward to connecting with you!
Juliette xo