Imagine being told you have an incurable disease.
In October, 2023, I was diagnosed with Graves' Disease, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. It was a wake-up call, to say the least. I was told that while I'd been diagnosed while the disease was in its relatively early stages, it was a "lifelong chronic illness that was manageable with medication, but incurable."
When I asked about the impact of lifestyle changes like diet, supplements, breathwork, and emotional processing, I was told there was "absolutely no correlation in the Western medical model between lifestyle choices and Graves' Disease."
Simply put, it was "impossible" to cure myself of this disease.
Right. A pretty heavy statement, with absolutely no wriggle room for possibility nor hope.
The thing is, though, my Mum cured herself of Lupus (another autoimmune disease) roughly 30 years ago. So, I knew that many "impossible" things were, in fact, possible. And the bottom line for me was that I didn't want to be on medication for the rest of my life, if I could instead embrace this condition as an emissary of deep soul wisdom. I wanted to turn towards this disease, instead of turning away from it.
As far as I could see, I was being called into another deep, honest conversation with myself. What was Graves' Disease mirroring to me? What was it trying to reveal about the soul work I'm here to do? Was reversing Graves' Disease with the support of numerology's insights and guidance possible? Big questions!
So, after just three months on the medication—and very much against doctor's orders—I came off it to see if I could do the underlying soul work required to reverse this condition. If not, I figured I could simply resume the medication.
As Jung once said, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."
I see life itself as my own private mystery school. As it is yours.
And I wholeheartedly believe that Life has our backs.
As such, I've learned to welcome all life experience as personal revelation - from my relationships; to my business; to my brush with cervical cancer in my 20s; to the birth of my son via emergency caesarean; to my year living in my car; to my near-death car accident in January, 2020; to, now, this diagnosis of Graves' disease.
I receive such experiences as profound opportunities to make the unconscious conscious, however challenging, thrilling, hopeless, or inspiring they may feel in the moment. They are opportunities to meet myself at another level; and to release myself from habitual ways of being, understanding, and showing up in the world.
Reversing Graves' Disease with the support of numerology
As always, my first step was to turn to numerology for greater clarity, support, and archetypal guidance on the the old stories, patterns, and narratives that had been unconsciously dictating my entire life. I sought to understand, challenge, untangle, meet with compassion, release, fundamentally change, and heal these underlying beliefs.
Intentionally engaging this process was, as always, a life-changing process.
Suffice to say, it's been an intense 9 months, as I'm sure you can imagine. I have experienced energetic breakthrough after energetic breakthrough. Ecstatic epiphany after ecstatic epiphany! I am not the same person I was five months ago.
Why am I telling you all of this??
Because a couple of weeks ago, just before Yule, I got the exciting news that I no longer have any signs of Graves' Disease.
I’ve been off the medication for five months now. And my results are all back to normal. (They actually re-ran the tests to confirm my "impossible" results.)
The "impossible" is, in fact, possible.
My TSH receptor antibodies are now less than 0.9, which basically means my body is no longer attacking itself. Yay! My TSH, which was less than 0.005, is now back up to 1.71 (i.e. back within normal parameters). My Free T3 is now 4.4, and my Free T4 is now 12.4, both well within normal parameters, again.

Grounded, real-life applications of Numerology
I’m immensely grateful to numerology for shining the light into the darkness for me, and revealing the work I needed to do - physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Upon hearing my story, an allied health professional commented to me, "It would never have occurred to me to turn to a non-health modality, like numerology, to support someone's health," which I thought was fascinating, as it was the first step I took.
It reminded me of a businesswoman I met at a social gathering some years ago. Our conversation had turned to business, and (through numerology) I'd offered some guidance and highlighted some of the deeper issues in play in her business. I remember her saying, "It would never have occurred to me to seek out a numerologist for support with my business!"
Both times, I remember thinking to myself,"What do people think numerology is??"
Yes, numerology is a metaphysical, archetypal language. But that doesn't mean it's a fluffy "party trick." Being archetypal and symbolic doesn't preclude the grounded, real-life applications of numerology.
To my mind, the greater purpose and true value of numerology—as a map of consciousness—is its ability to support you in navigating this grounded, 3D reality, whether your soul work is to do with your relationships, your health, your studies, your finances, your business, or your relationship to Spirit.
It's the most direct, compassionate, and fiercely insightful mirror available to you on your journey to self-awareness and soul-alignment; an extraordinary complement to your daily spiritual practice and your path of personal growth.
I truly wish there was a greater understanding of this in our community.
And so, while I don't typically share this level of detail about my own personal journey, publicly, I thought it was important to share this with you.
With so much love and deep gratitude.
Juliette xo