Time's Sacred Rebellion:
Remembering and Reclaiming Your Sacred Relationship with Time The Chronomantic Art of Time Divination in Archetypal Numerology
What if everything you understood about time was shaped by a cultural trance—one that keeps you disconnected from your own natural rhythms and cycles? While questions about time's mysterious nature are often left to quantum physicists and metaphysicians, ancient wisdom traditions have long understood something profound: time isn't linear. It moves in cycles, spirals, and sacred patterns that are uniquely expressed in each person's life.
​Breaking Time's Trance is more than a course in numerological timing techniques—it's an invitation to fundamentally transform your relationship with time itself. Through the sophisticated lens of archetypal numerology, you'll discover how to read and align with the unique temporal patterns shaping your life's journey.​
We'll explore powerful chronomantic techniques that reveal these patterns:
The Personal Year, Month, and Day Numbers—your unique cyclic blueprint
The Pinnacles—the grand evolutionary cycles of your journey
The Life Path Periods—the deep currents shaping your development
The Table of Events (Essence)—your deeply personal timing signature
Here's something remarkable to consider: Your numerology chart, cast at birth, contains every cycle and pattern that will unfold across your lifetime. These rhythms are already present, waiting to be understood and consciously engaged.​
Let that sink in . . .

What becomes possible when you step outside linear time's trance and recognise these sacred patterns?
Through this course, you'll:
Develop the ability to read your chart's activation across time
Trace current patterns, narratives, and blocks back to their seed moments
Understand the precise timing of your soul's evolution
Create conscious partnership with life's natural momentum
Transform your relationship with time itself
This work goes far beyond learning techniques. As you develop these skills, you'll enter into a profound conversation with time's archetypal intelligence, deepening both your practical understanding and your intuitive wisdom. You'll anchor your personal narrative and lived experiences within a greater context or story arc for this lifetime. And you'll discover the sacred momentum that naturally emerges when you align with your unique temporal patterns rather than suppressing or fighting against them.
These are potent technologies for temporal navigation, preserved in numerology's ancient wisdom. And I'd like to share them with you.
If you're ready to transform your relationship with time—while developing sophisticated numerological skills—I invite you to join us for Breaking Time's Trance, a LIVE, intermediate-level, online course in temporal navigation through numerology.
We launch 24 February 2025.
We'd love you to journey with us!​​​

This is where you draw a line in the sand
You're done forcing yourself to maintain society's unsustainable, linear pace
You're through with the endless pressure to perpetually "crush it"
You refuse to sacrifice your soul's timing for others' schedules
You're no longer willing to ignore your cyclical need for deep rest
You refuse to live disconnected from nature's rhythmic intelligence
You're ready to honour the unique timing signatures of your own life

Welcome to a profound transformation in how you experience and navigate time!
If you're ready to break free from linear time's constraints and discover a more aligned way of living, I invite you to join us for Time's Sacred Rebellion. Together, we'll explore ancient numerological wisdom that reveals the unique rhythmic patterns of your life. Let me share my passion for these sacred chronomantic arts and guide you in remembering and reclaiming your soul's true rhythms.
While we will delve deeply into several numerological timing techniques together, the heart of this journey is about fundamentally transforming your relationship with time itself.
Ready to remember and reclaim your natural relationship with time? Enrol now.​​
Prerequisites: This course is designed for practitioners who can confidently calculate and interpret basic numerology charts. If you're new to numerology, I invite you to explore our foundational courses first.
How does
Time's Sacred Rebellion work?
Time's Sacred Rebellion is a LIVE real-time training programme, connecting online via Zoom for our virtual classes.
We'll meet once each week for 10 weeks (approximately 30 hours, altogether).
Our journey together includes:

10 in-depth Modules, including comprehensive tuition, ample time for group engagement, peer presentations, meaningful projects, and hands-on pair work, taking you step-by-step through the vital timing techniques of the Personal Year Numbers, Pinnacles, Table of Events (and Essence) and the Life Path Periods.
Downloadable videos and MP3s for all 10 sessions.
Course extension materials to support and develop your new skills.
BONUS: Soul Weaving's exclusive web app, designed specifically to support your learning journey and ongoing practice.
. . . . All yours to keep for life.

Membership of our private student portal inside Circle during the course, to expand the conversation. You'll journey within a small community of just 20 like-minded students to ensure the intimacy of our group, and the strength of our energetic container.
Access to Juliette throughout our 10-week journey, both in class and via Circle.
Bring all your questions and insights!
Tech support from Juliette and Soul Weaving's very own Resident Geek, Grace, for help with any of the tech that we'll be using. (Zoom, Circle, Canva)
An Invitation to join our Alumni Membership Group, Chiron's Cave, if you're not already a member.

A beautiful Certificate of Completion from Soul Weaving.
While not a governmental certificate, it is a tangible symbol of your growth and learning. And it will let people know that you've trained with me, and to which level. You can display it on your website, or share it on the socials to let people know that you're ready to put your new skills to use!

We launch 24 February 2025
(30 Hours altogether)
10 x Numerology Classes (3 Hours each):
Monday, 24 February - 28 April 2025
Live, Highly Interactive
Classes, including Peer-Learning Opportunities
Experience the elevated support, connection, and community that an intimate group programme offers
Max: 20 Students
Replays and Course Materials
Available for Download
- Yours to Keep!
Access to
Tech-Support & an Exclusive Student Web App
Time's Sacred Rebellion - The Course
Breaking free from linear time's trance requires both ancient wisdom and practical tools. In Time's Sacred Rebellion, you'll master the chronomantic arts through four powerful numerological techniques that reveal the sacred patterns woven into your life:
The Personal Year, Month, and Day Numbers—your unique cyclic blueprint
The Pinnacles—the grand evolutionary cycles of your journey
The Life Path Periods—the deep currents shaping your development
The Table of Events (Essence)—your deeply personal timing signature
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Pathfinding
You may be wondering what the chronomantic arts are?
Before the modern world compressed time into rigid, linear schedules, ancient wisdom traditions understood time's true nature.
The term "chronomancy" comes from the Greek words chronos (time) and manteia (prophecy or divination). Numerology—known as arithmancy before 1907—emerged as one of the most sophisticated systems for reading time's sacred patterns.
But this art goes far beyond mere prediction. Numerology is a spiritual lineage devoted to interpreting the essence of time itself.

The Ancient Greek God Chronos, Lord of Time and Karma
by Juliette Valentina, created in Mid Journey and DreamStudio
The Art of Temporal Navigation
To my mind, numerologists are best thought of as temporal cartographers, mapping dimensions beyond the physical world.
While traditional mapmakers chart the three dimensions of the physical world to help locate your position in space, numerologists map the 4th dimension—time. ​​Numerology pinpoints not only where you are in time, but discerns the subtle qualities of the moment you’re experiencing. Each moment has its own unique signature, requiring different responses, offering different opportunities.
Navigating your life with numerology isn't fortune-telling—it's sophisticated temporal navigation.
Our Course Approach​​
My mission in teaching numerology is to make esoteric wisdom relatable and applicable to everyday life. This intermediate-level course will equip and empower you with the knowledge, skills, and perspective to:
Read time's sacred patterns with confidence
Navigate personal and universal cycles
Align with your soul's natural rhythms
Break free from linear time's constraints
Through group sharing and conversation, hands-on pair work, and project work, you'll:
Deepen your understanding of numerology's archetypal wisdom;
Develop sophisticated chronomantic skills;
Apply these ancient techniques to your modern life;
Receive insights into your personal chart and spiritual journey; and
Transform your relationship with time itself.​
Practical Integration Through Applied Projects
True understanding of anything new comes with practical application. So, each member of our small cohort will take turns making two individual presentations to the group, sharing their lived experience of the Life Path Periods (in their first presentation) and the Table of Events (in their second presentation). There will be ample time for questions and engaging in rich conversation after each presentation. The magic is always in the sharing!
Project One: Mapping Life's Deep Currents
For our initial project, you'll explore the Life Path Periods in your own chart, choosing one to present to our intimate cohort. Calling your attention to the gifts, demands, priorities, resources, wisdom, and challenges of the Number archetype ruling each of these Life Path Periods will support you in both recognising and strengthening the underlying work of your Soul in this lifetime. You'll discover which key phase of life you're in and learn:
The deeper sense of self that you brought into this lifetime
The central work of your adult life (and how this connects to developing and strengthening your self-identity)​
Who you are to become as an elder in our community
Project Two: Tracking Time's Sacred Threads
Our second project invites you to select one of the most significant archetypal threads running through your life, as identified in the Table of Events.
You'll then track it across time, from its "opening chapter" or "seed point", through all of the subsequent "chapters" along the way. You'll explore:
How to determine which story arc is in play, now
Its deeper purpose in your evolution
How each subsequent chapter has developed your storyline
How this pattern has challenged, transformed, and catalysed your sense of self and your journey
How understanding the origin of any given narrative or story arc transforms your relationship with it
What this particular thread is awakening within you
Guided Navigation
For both projects, I'll first share my own lived experience as an example, demonstrating how to track and interpret these temporal patterns. You'll receive clear guidance, ample time for questions, and supportive feedback throughout your exploration.
The Power of Shared Wisdom
Each member of our intimate cohort will present their discoveries to the group, creating rich opportunities for:
Deeper pattern recognition
Collective insight
Practical application
Enhanced understanding of the nature of time and how we can discern this through numerology's timing techniques
This sharing isn't just about presentation—it's about witnessing how these ancient patterns manifest uniquely in each life while revealing universal truths about time's essence.

Cycles within Cycles of Time
by Juliette Valentina, created in DreamStudio

Studying and Charting Time
Created by Juliette Valentina in DreamStudio
What happens when you sign up​
When you sign up, you'll receive a warm Welcome Email with all the details you'll need for our journey together. This includes the dial-in details to join our Zoom meetings and various housekeeping items. A couple of days ahead of our launch date, you'll receive an invitation to join our private Circle Workspace, which will be our community hub for the duration of the course. This is where you'll connect with yours truly and other like-minded seekers; access the recordings and all extension materials; and share your insights and experience.
This journey is for those ready to rebel against society's linear understanding of time, and forge their own personal relationship with it.
​Yes, we'll master the technical aspects of numerology's timing techniques. You'll learn to apply these tools with confidence and precision to any chart. That's essential.
But this journey goes deeper.
Time's Sacred Rebellion is an invitation to break free from society's linear patterns and rediscover your natural relationship with time. As you learn to read and understand these ancient timing techniques, you'll begin to recognise the unique rhythms woven into your life—patterns that have always been there, waiting to be acknowledged.
This isn't just about learning to calculate cycles. It's about understanding:
When to initiate and when to plan
When to push forward and when to rest
When to connect deeply with others and when to journey inward
When to learn and when to teach
When to explore and when to establish roots
When to analyse and when to intuit
When to build foundations and when to embrace change
When to gather wisdom and when to share it
When to focus intensely and when to let things percolate
Through this work, you'll develop a profound understanding of your personal timing. You'll learn to recognise whether you're flowing with or pushing against your natural cycles. As your awareness deepens, you'll find yourself naturally aligning with time's intelligence rather than struggling against it.
This transformation happens through both intellectual understanding and embodied experience. As you engage with these techniques—through your intellect, intuition, and lived experience—you'll develop a new relationship with time itself. One that honours the full spectrum of human experience and activity, each in its own season.
The skills you'll learn here will not only transform your own relationship with time but also deepen your capacity to understand and honour the unique timing signatures of others.


Jenine Barton, Canberra​
"When I registered for the first course I ever took with Juliette, back in 2018, I had no idea what numerology actually was. I didn't understand what numbers had to do with spirituality?? But I thought it might be a lovely little hobby.
Wow. I had no clue.
Studying Numerology with Juliette has changed my life. Every aspect of my life has changed. There's no doubt about it. It's like being given the handbook for my life, and then learning how to read it!
And for me, learning the Table of Events with Juliette (many years ago, now) was like finding the last piece of the numerology puzzle. I think it's my favourite technique.
I often describe it as being the undercurrent of the chart. It tells a story, a story about you! Apart from the Birth Path Number, this is usually the first place I look in a chart to get a real feel for a person’s life; to see how their story/life has played out so far; and the energies they can expect to work with in years to come.
I look forward to my birthday, each and every year, to step into that new Essence energy. (That's if it changes, of course – I have frequently had long periods of over 5 years at a time in the same Essence, which means I have access to the energy for a LONG time.)
I would highly recommend studying the Table of Events with Juliette. Not only will you have an amazing technique in your Numerology toolkit for life, you will also have a richer understanding of yourself, and this archetypal language.
I've been studying with Juliette for nearly six years now, and I'm a member of Chiron's Cave, our monthly membership group for alumni. Across all of these years I can tell you that Juliette is warm and articulate. She is passionate, structured, and organised, and the best part is how she teaches.
As I've said before, I was glued to her in that first course and found myself staring in awe! She has incredible recall of the Numbers and their stories, which is invaluable when teaching this topic. And she teaches in a way that suits every type of learning style from visuals (movies and photos) to poetry, and she provides excellent written reference materials, too.
In addition, during any of her courses, you are supported by her inside a private Slack group. This kind of access to someone as knowledgeable as Juliette is invaluable when learning Numerology.
The other plus is the group of like-minded people. I've formed some beautiful friendships with people that I probably would never have met if it wasn’t for Juliette's courses.
Whether you are learning Numerology for your own personal growth, or so you can help others on their journey, I highly recommend studying with Juliette.
- Jenine xo"
How do you know if a committed study of Numerology is for you?

Whatever your reason for learning numerology, please know you are welcome here!
The motivations for studying numerology with me are wide and varied, from a deep commitment to self-discovery; to a desire to live a more sacred, intentional life; to becoming a professional numerologist; or combining numerology with an existing modality (e.g. holistic counselling or spiritual coaching) in support of Self and others.
I invite you to read through the following points to get a sense for whether my work and Time's Sacred Rebellion is a good fit for you. If not, I wish you all the best in finding the best course and teacher for you. If this course IS what you are looking for, that's wonderful! I look forward to journeying with you!​
Time's Sacred Rebellion is for you if:
You're ready to remember and reclaim the old ways of working with sacred time. You're ready to live in soul-alignment.
You're keen to stretch beyond your first steps in numerology into an intermediate-level training. You understand core numerological concepts, and feel confident in casting and interpreting a basic numerology chart . . . even if you're still a little unsure as to how it all comes together. As a general rule, an introductory understanding of numerology, the chart, and the significations of the Number archetypes would be very helpful before enrolling in this course.
You're particularly keen to learn the Personal Year, Month, Day Numbers; the Pinnacles; the Table of Events (Essence); and the Life Path Periods as numerology techniques, to understand how to access a chart across time—both forward and backward through time.
You yearn to journey with a small group of like-minded, conscious Souls. . . to support and be supported; to witness and be witnessed; to connect in a way that isn't always possible in our day-to-day world.
You expect to go deep, to feel stuff, in a safe, anchored container.
You're eager to apply numerology to your life in a practical way, without using it to bypass your Soul's work.
You embrace numerology as a grounded, tangible approach to working with Spirit.
​​You're an independent thinker and a growth-minded individual who craves rich, deep, candid conversations of a spiritual and personal growth nature.​​
You appreciate the value of investing in yourself and your personal growth.
You're open to the idea of past lives, and to the possibility of "seeing" these through numerology. You're interested in the question of how past incarnations may be impacting your choices, beliefs, and behaviours, now.
You long to strengthen your relationships with family members, friends, loved ones, and clients, by understanding them at a deeper, more soulful level, too. ​
You long to develop and refine your numerology skills in order to better guide yourself, your loved ones, and your clients on their evolutionary path.
I imagine you already practise, or are interested in, at least one of the following:
astrology · mythology · past life regression · Aura Soma · the Akashic Records · kinesiology · alchemy · chakra balancing · Reiki · divining · tarot reading · crystal healing · runes · ancestral healing · clairvoyance (any of the intuitive, psychic gifts) · mediumship · channelling · dream therapy · witchcraft · the Divine Feminine · the priestess path · ritual · ceremony · sound healing · holistic counselling · Sekhem · yoga · art therapy · story telling · womb healing · inner child work · life coaching · bush flower essences · essential oils · somatic therapy · Pranic healing · EFT · drumming · Kirtan · vision boards · serving as an empath
(If you're interested in any of these, you'll be right at home, here! Welcome!)
Like me, you may be inspired by:
Carl Jung, James Hillman, David Whyte, Rumi, Hafiz, Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Gabor Maté, Michael Meade, Brian Clark, Jason Holley, Rainer Maria Rilke, Juno Jordan, Steven Forrest, Pema Chödrön, Richard Tarnas, Phyllis Curott, Marion Weinstein, Dane Rudhyar, Austin and Kaitlin Coppock, Liz Green, Sharon Blackie, Patricia Walsh, Caroline Myss, and Brené Brown, among others.​
This Intensive is NOT for you if:
Your inner sceptic struggles to embrace the mysteries of life. It's perfectly fine to question things – trust me, as a former sceptic myself, I get it! However, to truly benefit from this course, you'll need to keep an open mind and be willing to explore the bigger questions and possibilities. If you can't imagine that reality might be more complex than modern society suggests or that the Cosmos is intelligent and ensouled, then this course may not be for you.
​​You're easily offended. If colourful language like "fuck" or "Bitch, please!" makes you cringe, we might not be the best match. Let us lovingly part ways, now.
You're a strict fundamentalist of any persuasion. If you are proudly dogmatic on your food choices; black-and-white on religion; strident in your politics; have clear cut definitions of morality, and what is right and wrong; have no issues with cancel culture and shaming as a first step to deal with people whose opinions and perspectives you take issue with, then we are not a fit.
You expect a learning community that mirrors your own background and experiences. My classes are designed to honour and celebrate the beautiful diversity of humanity. We embrace individuals from various ages, genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, and life situations.
You're uncomfortable with spiritual terms such as Great Spirit, The Divine, Universe, Goddess, or God.
​​You view numerology as mere entertainment rather than a path to personal growth and spiritual understanding.
​​You're looking for psychic or mediumship training. Although related to such intuitive modalities, numerology is a distinct modality separate from mediumship and psychic practices.

Our Tech Stack
As well as our classes on Zoom, we will be connected online in our own Circle group, for online support throughout our 10-week journey.
So, this will be our Tech Stack: Zoom and Circle.
Grace (Soul Weaving's Resident Geek) and I will also be available to support you with the tech throughout the course.
Recordings: While we encourage you to attend every live training call to make the most of your Time's Sacred Rebellion experience, video and mp3 recordings and any handouts will be made available to every student, even if you need to miss a class. You have lifetime access to all downloadable materials. These are yours to keep, once you download them to your own device via our Learning Portal.​​​​​

Soul Weaving's
Exclusive Web App:
The Table of Events
Access our exclusive student numerology app for free when you join Time's Sacred Rebellion, today!
You'll first learn how to calculate the Table of Events by hand, so that you truly understand it and how it works . . . and also so that you’re not reliant on immediate access to technology when you really want to know the current Essence of someone or their business etc. (I've been known to create a rough version of the Table of Events on the back of a napkin in a cafe, right in the middle of a conversation with someone. 'Cause when you need to know the Essence, you need to know, right?? No time to wait 'til you get home to your computer!)
Having said that, once you have the skill under your belt, you’ll also gain access to an exclusive app that our Resident Geek, Grace, has created for Soul Weaving’s intermediate-level students. Bless her tech-genius! This powerful web-app is designed to support you with the calculations, to ensure that you're on the right track.
It’ll save you heaps of time, and will ensure the accuracy of your Table, which is a huge relief and a real blessing, because it’s a relatively-simple-but-oh-so-time-consuming Table to create.
Believe me!!
And you're welcome. ;)
Gain confidence in your new skills, and feel supported with the calculation side of things!

Get Started Now
Payment Plans and Half-Scholarships
​We understand that sometimes these experiences can be out of reach, and want to stay true to our values of inclusion. We offer Payment Plans, and also earmark two Half-Scholarships for each of our Courses and Workshops, as we'd hate for finances to be the only reason someone can't attend.
If you're experiencing financial hardship, and would like to apply for a Half-Scholarship for Time's Sacred Rebellion (bringing the course to $448.50) please contact Juliette, directly, at juliette@soulweaving.com.au. Let her know a little about your situation.
Financial support is particularly available for those on a parenting or seniors pension.
Time's Sacred Rebellion
Time's Sacred Rebellion Package

Access Soul Weaving's exclusive Table of Events App, extension materials, opportunities to practise in pairs, and a community portal where you can engage in dynamic group discussions.

Ongoing Support from Juliette via Circle during the course.
Embark on a transformative and comprehensive 10-week, LIVE Numerology Course. Unravel the mysteries of time divination with two advanced timing techniques.
The Tapestry Package

Everything included in Time's Sacred Rebellion Package, plus:

Elevate the personal and spiritual growth element of this journey by combining the course with either a three-hour Life Purpose Reading or a Yearly Transit Reading with Juliette—a dedicated one-on-one session providing personalised support and guidance, using the techniques learned in this course.​
1:1 Session valued at $555.
Discounted to $400.
I get that you could do plenty of other things with the money you’d invest in Time's Sacred Rebellion. But those that have journeyed with me found that:
They strengthened their numerology skills far more rapidly than they could have achieved on their own, leading to increased confidence in both their personal practice and work with loved ones, as well as in their professional practice with clients.
Their ability to effectively convey complex numerology concepts and insights to clients and loved ones was enhanced thanks to the exercises undertaken and the emphasis on pair work in TIme's Sacred Rebellion.
For professional numerologists, the benefits of this course extend beyond personal growth. These new skills are immediately applicable to your client readings, and it's likely that your income from just a couple of readings would easily cover the cost of the course.
They stepped into a newfound level of personal power, freedom, creativity, and confidence. They lived the life they had always craved, but maybe hadn't fully trusted or understood . . . until they saw it in their own charts.
They broke free from the karmic stories they had brought into this life. They embraced the patterns, blocks, and personal stories they uncovered . . . and then did something about them.
They felt deeply grateful for the crystal-clear self-awareness and authenticity this work brought them.
They sped up their journey to live in sync with their Soul's intentions, bypassing months, years, or potentially decades of struggle, confusion, and uncertainty. This dramatic shift in energy and perspective transformed their relationships, career choices, finances, and spiritual practices.
They embodied a stronger sense of self-love, self-acceptance, self-trust, and inner peace.​
About Juliette Valentina
Juliette Valentina walks a 29/11/2 Birth Path, and is a professional Numerologist and Astrologer. She has been practicing Numerology professionally for over 22 years, and has been teaching for nearly 10 of those, starting with her first class on 13 June, 2015.
Her students value her dedication and obvious passion for this work; the grounded structure she brings to it; as well as her engaging, interactive, and heartfelt teaching style.
Juliette's practice is grounded in a deeper philosophical underpinning, which she regularly shares in her writings. You can find out more about Juliette, her Path, and approach on her About Page.
Here are some of Juliette's thoughts about her philosophy and approach:

I Believe . . .
I believe our own personal transformation is perhaps the greatest contribution we can offer to the world. When we each "Follow our Bliss"; when we each feel inspired and empowered to live up to our own potential, we contribute to the greater well-being of humanity and Life itself! As I often say, we all benefit when we all shine.
Truly, we are never working solely for ourselves. The transformation of the world is inextricably bound to the transformation of each individual.
Why do I devote myself to numerology and astrology, instead of something more mainstream, like psychology?
As Carl Jung once said, "Obviously astrology has much to offer psychology, but what the latter can offer its elder sister is less evident."
This resonates deeply with me. While psychology, by definition, is the "study of the soul," it often denies the soul’s existence in an effort to align with modern science and be taken seriously. For me, that’s a deal-breaker.
Astrology and numerology, on the other hand, embrace the soul as their foundation. They illuminate our life path, our soul's purpose, and our innate connection to the cosmos. These ancient practices offer insights that modern psychology cannot begin to comprehend.
Bless the ancients for forging these paths thousands of years ago, allowing us to walk them today.
Through astrology and numerology, we can nurture our connection to the greater whole, live with intention, and align with our higher purpose.
If you’re ready to explore your path with this greater level of awareness and consciousness, you’re in the right place.
Welcome to a space where the cosmos meets the soul.
I’m so glad you’re here.
Have a burning question about Time's Sacred Rebellion? Our FAQ may help! Otherwise, please feel free to contact me . . . always happy to connect. I'm so excited about this Course, and I'd love to talk with you about it!
I truly hope you decide to join us.
Juliette xo
Q: When does Enrolment close for Time's Sacred Rebellion?
Enrolments will close on Saturday, 22 February 2025, at 11:59 pm.
No. This archetypal language does point to an underlying intelligence at work, and some call this a Cosmic or Divine Mind. However, numerology does not have a hidden agenda, nor any spiritual, societal, or political affiliations. It is not aligned with a particular moral or religious code. Certainly, you can bring your faith to numerology. For example, a Pagan, Agnostic, or Buddhist numerologist may bring their faith "to the table" so to speak, when casting and interpreting someone's chart. But the archetypal language itself is not bound by humanity's spiritual paths. They are much larger than our many faiths. I welcome anyone of any faith, or of no faith, at all. I am honoured to share this path with you.
Q: Is numerology aligned with a specific faith or world view? Do I need to believe in a particular spiritual or philosophical path to work with you?
While you'll receive guidance and feedback throughout the programme, some practitioners seek a more profound level of mentorship. For these dedicated souls, the Tapestry Package offers an additional 3-hour private session where we can explore your unique journey in depth and unlock deeper layers of understanding. The choice reflects your aspirations: - The Time's Sacred Rebellion Package provides group learning with personal attention - The Tapestry Package includes a private 3-hour reading - Individual tuition sessions can be added à la carte All paths lead to greater self-awareness and numerological skill—choose the one that aligns with your deepest goals and your learning style.
Q: Will there be one-on-one time with Juliette?
We would love to you to join each session live, and strongly encourage you to do so. But sometimes life happens! So, if you are unable to attend one of the classes, please know that all sessions are recorded, so you can still receive all the information you need. This will be useful for those sessions that you want to listen to or watch more than once. You have lifetime access to all downloadable materials (including PDFs, as well as, audio and video recordings from each of our sessions). These are yours to keep, once you download them to your own device via our Learning Portal. Additionally, you could dig into the course materials; and post questions in our member-only student portal, to clarify anything from the class with me . . . you can share your own lightbulb moments and insights, too. You could also reach out to your fellow students to connect and ask questions on any material you may have missed. If you're willing to get creative, there are lots of ways to stay caught up and make the most of your experience in Time's Sacred Rebellion.
Q: Are there recordings? What if I have to miss a training call?
Once you register, you will receive a Welcome Email within minutes of your enrolment. This will include training call dates, and the dial-in info to access our Tech Check session, and our twice-weekly online calls via Zoom. Your Welcome Email will also include some housekeeping notes, along with details of our Tech Stack, to help you prepare for our journey together! If you do not receive this Welcome Email within a few hours of registering, please reach out to Juliette at juliette@soulweaving.com.au to let her know - advising the email address that you registered under. Thank you! Regarding our private, member-only student portal (within Slack), you will receive an invitation to join us a week before our journey begins.
Q: When will I receive the dial-in details for the live training calls, and the link to join the member-only student portal?
Q: Is Time's Sacred Rebellion worth the investment?
Absolutely!  Time's Sacred Rebellion offers a comprehensive and immersive journey into the world of numerology and personal growth, focused on numerological timing techniques. You'll have the chance to delve deeply into the metaphysical world of numerology with over 30 hours of direct group contact with Juliette Valentina in live training calls. In addition to your live classes, you'll have access to a student app created exclusively for Soul Weaving's students to support you with the calculation side of things and take your numerology to the next level.  You'll also have the opportunity to connect with like-minded seekers, form new friendships, and share in each other's journeys of self-discovery. Ultimately, the value you get out of the course will depend on the effort and commitment you put in. But for those willing to fully engage with the material, and participate with vulnerability and honesty, Time's Sacred Rebellion can be an incredibly rewarding investment in your personal growth and spiritual development, into your understanding of the true nature of time . . . and, of course, your numerology skills.
Q: Do you offer custom payment plans?
We understand that Time's Sacred Rebellion is an investment - one that requires planning and conviction. We want everyone who enrols to feel their full Yes! before joining us on this 10-week journey.  With that in mind, you have the option to pay the course fee in full, or to choose the 6-month payment plan. The first payment will be withdrawn at the time of enrolment, with the balance of payments processing automatically on the same date every month. All major credit cards are accepted.
We’re confident this program will be a valuable investment in your numerology training, as well as your personal awareness and spiritual growth. We want you to be completely confident in your decision to join our programme. We offer a seven (7) day cooling-off period from your date of registration, during which you may request a full refund less a $50 administrative fee, no questions asked. Refund requests must be submitted in writing to admin@soulweaving.com.au. After the cooling-off period, no refunds will be provided, and you will remain responsible for the full payment of programme fees, except where a refund is required under Australian Consumer Law (ACL), such as in the case of a significant failure of the service provided. Cancellation Policy: While refunds are not available after the cooling-off period, we understand that circumstances can change. Your purchase is transferrable and a credit may be offered. You may transfer your enrolment to the next available cohort, or to another course or event of equivalent value. Transfer requests must be submitted in writing and are subject to availability in future cohorts. Only one transfer per registration is permitted. If a credit or transfer is granted, it must be used within 1 year or it will be forfeited. We understand that unforeseen extreme extenuating circumstances may arise, and in that case, if appropriate, Soul Weaving may decide to release you from your commitment. This would be at Soul Weaving’s sole discretion and would be for extreme situations or hardships. In addition, at Soul Weaving’s sole discretion, it may be decided that Soul Weaving and Client working together is not a good fit and the work together is not productive. Soul Weaving may terminate this commitment with written notice and may choose to refund any fees paid based on a pro-rated basis or waive any future payments. Please note that no refunds or transfers will be granted within seven (7) days of the course commencement date. Course Cancellation: In the event Soul Weaving must cancel the course due to unforeseen circumstances or personal injury, your course fee will automatically be transferred to a future course. If you are unable to attend the rescheduled course, please contact us to discuss options. For cancellations due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control, please refer to Section 10 of our Terms and Conditions: Force Majeure. You can find the full Terms and Conditions here: https://www.soulweaving.com.au/terms-and-conditions
Q: What is your Refund Policy?
Q: I'd like to study with you, but am experiencing financial hardship. Do you offer scholarships?
We're committed to making Soul Weaving's Courses and Workshops accessible. We earmark two Half-Scholarships for each of our Courses and Workshops, as we'd hate for finances to be the only reason someone can't attend. If you'd like to apply for a Half-Scholarship for Time's Sacred Rebellion, please contact Juliette, directly, at juliette@soulweaving.com.au. Let her know a little about your situation. Financial support is particularly available for those on a parenting or seniors pension.
Q: I'm LGBTQ+ - Is this a safe space for me?
Yes. Anyone who has felt like an outsider in terms of their free self-expression will find a home inside this community. You are safe here. And you are more than welcome in any of Soul Weaving's courses and community. To let you know, while Juliette is a hetero-ish, cisgender woman, who will never claim to be an expert in the lived experience of the LGBTQ+ community, she has had two trans partners - a transman and a transwoman. Everyone is welcome here, honoured here, and celebrated here.  Cis-gendered, lesbian, gay, queer, hetero, bi-sexual, non-binary, and transfolx. I create and hold a safe space for each of my students, where they are free to express and explore every facet of their lived experience.
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