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Ancient enmities, karmic stories, and old patterns - an opportunity to let them all go (Numerology's 1st Pinnacle and its connection with your past lives)

Writer's picture: Juliette ValentinaJuliette Valentina

Updated: Oct 6, 2024

Blended image of a woman and the crescent moon.

As we enter October, we’re stepping into a pivotal period—both energetically and archetypally—for two key reasons. The first applies each and every year and is well worth remembering, while the second is specific to 2024.

Let's dive in.

Firstly, October—each and every year—prepares you for the next calendar year. It offers a preview or a "trailer" of the the main themes that you'll be working on. This happens because your Personal Month Number in October is always the same as your Personal Year Number for the following year.

So, pay close attention to whatever surfaces this month—internally and externally. In many ways, you can consider it your "itinerary" for the year ahead, come 1 January.

The second reason October is so important in 2024 is because it activates the core themes of the 1st Pinnacle in everyone's numerology chart.

How is this happening? If you calculate your Personal Month Number for October, 2024, and then look at your Pinnacles, you'll quickly realise that your current Personal Month Number is the same Number as your 1st Pinnacle. For example, if your 1st Pinnacle is a 4, then you're in a 4 Personal Month, right now. If your 1st Pinnacle is a 7, then you're in a 7 Personal Month. (And so on through all the Numbers.)

If you’re feeling adventurous, check this in the charts of your friends and family, as well. As surprising as it may seem, this pattern holds for everyone—no exceptions.

Now, you may be thinking, "The what now??"

But even if you've never heard of Pinnacles before, or you find the technique a bit of a head-scratcher, the key takeaway is this: For the whole of October, 2024—and, therefore, for all of 2025—everyone on the planet will be working with the core themes and dynamics of their 1st Pinnacle, which is the time period associated with our childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood.

Importantly, the 1st Pinnacle is also associated with our karmic stories—those ancient narratives, enmities, fears, and dynamics that we've brought in with us from other lifetimes.

Individually, and collectively, we have a real opportunity to release these karmic stories and patterns, thanks to this activation of the 1st Pinnacle.

Considering all that's happening in the world right now, this feels like a blessed opportunity; and one not to be taken lightly or wasted.

Does this activation of the 1st Pinnacle happen every October? No. This phenomenon only occurs when we're in a 9 Universal Month, which we're currently in. In some years, this occurs once per year, and in other years it occurs twice per year. In 2024, we've already experienced this phenomenon back in January, and we're in it again now, in October.

Importantly, next year is a 9 Universal Year. So, in 2025, you'll be working with the core themes of your 1st Pinnacle for the entire year.

Intriguing, right??

Would you like to explore this more deeply with me?

Let's look at the 1st Pinnacle more closely.

Numerology's connection between your 1st Pinnacle and your youth

As mentioned above, the 1st Pinnacle is the time period associated with your childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood. Certain qualities in your family may be endearing, and you may love your family very much. But whenever the 1st Pinnacle is activated, it has the potential to dredge up complex family dynamics, insecure attachments, and any unresolved wounds from your youth. Sometimes, it unearths long-buried family skeletons, as well.

Over the coming month, you may find yourself reflecting on the pivotal events, emotional landscape, and key themes of your youth; travelling to your childhood home; or visiting with family, or old friends. Questions of family duty, obligation, and loyalty may be raised. (How do you feel about the sentiment that blood is thicker than water?) You may also be reminded of family members that you're no longer in relationship with—whether that's through estrangement or bereavement.

Yes, this can be an emotionally and psychologically challenging time for many of us. You could find yourself feeling helpless, apprehensive, or defensive; reverting to old ways of being and relating. Whenever the 1st Pinnacle is activated by a transit, I think of Ram Dass' quote, “If you think you are enlightened, go and spend a week with your family.” Right?? Family has a way of bringing all of our "stuff" up.

You're encouraged to contemplate and journal on these old patterns; to create some space around them; and to seek the support of a spiritual mentor, supportive friend, or therapist, as necessary, to work through all that may be uncovered during this time period.

By bringing these narratives to the surface, you have a profound opportunity to step beyond the old noise, stories, and beliefs; to reclaim your energy; and to realign with your true essence.

This is one reason why October, 2024, has the potential to be a profoundly transformative month . . . as does the whole year of 2025.

Whatever arises during these transits, remember that you'll be facing it with the wisdom and strength of the adult you've become; not as the child who experienced or witnessed these dynamics, many years ago.

A mother and her baby.

Numerology's connection between your 1st Pinnacle and your Past Lives

There's a whole other layer to this . . . another reason why October, 2024, and the entire year of 2025, have the potential to be profoundly transformative.

In addition to being the time period associated with your youth, there is also a strong connection between numerology's 1st Pinnacle and your past lives. (There are a couple of places I'd look in a numerology chart for information on your past lives, but the 1st Pinnacle is definitely one of them.)

If you're not open to the notion of reincarnation, that's totally fine. During these transits, simply focus on the key events and dynamics of your youth, as discussed above.

However, if you are open to the idea of reincarnation, let's explore this further . . .

There is a direct link between the emotional landscape, key dynamics, and karmic lessons of your past lives, and the dynamics of your youth—more specifically, your first 18.5 years of life.

Astrologically, this 18.5-year period aligns with how long it takes the Moon's Nodes (symbols of your past life story) to complete their first orbit around your astrology chart.

Numerologically, these 18.5 years fall within your 1st Pinnacle, often referred to as your Foundational Pinnacle. While the Numbers in your 1st Pinnacle represent the core themes of your childhood, they also point to lessons and narratives from past lives that you've brought into this incarnation.

Your past lives, your youth, and your 1st Pinnacle are all intrinsically connected.

(For those of you familiar with the Life Path Periods in your numerology chart, we could also point to the 1st Life Path Period (LPP) as being key to our understanding of this time frame—particularly the 1st and 2nd sub-divisions of the 1st LPP.)

As dynamics and situations arise—whether this month or next year—consider that they’re not only rooted in your childhood experience, but they're also part of the greater arc of your soul’s journey. They're indicative of the greater soul work you're here to do this lifetime.

You may be dealing with unresolved karmic patterns that you've been working on for countless lives, with echoes of old stories waiting to be untangled, and layers of old wounds that need to be acknowledged and healed.

Perhaps you're 38 or 67 lifetimes into a particular story arc that hasn't been resolved yet. According to my kinesiologist, I’ve been working on the same issue for 56 lifetimes! 56 lifetimes??

A surreal image of a ghost woman, crossing lifetimes.

I can hear the question, "Doesn't this storyline get old??"

Ahhhh, yes. Yes, it does.

But as Carl Jung once told us, you have to drink your complexes to the dregs. You can't abandon the lesson half way through. You've got to see it through to the very end.

So here you are, incarnated once again, saying, “Set 'em up, Joe!”

Why? So you can continue replaying the storyline, trying to figure this out.

It’s like being stuck at a certain level in a computer game. You’ve “respawned” at the same point, replaying the scenario over and over again, trying to figure out how to progress to the next level, the next checkpoint.

You're doing your soul work.

You're having another go at it, and maybe this time you'll figure it out?

Fingers crossed!

This month and next year offer you the chance to connect with these core themes of your life—whether rooted in your childhood or past lives. It's an opportunity to identify and clear away these ancient enmities, karmic storylines, fears, and old patterns that no longer serve you.

Drink these to the dregs, and move onto the next checkpoint!

Consciously engaging your soul work

When trying to consciously understand what's being asked of you, precedence is your friend. 'Cause, as they say, while history may not repeat itself, it does rhyme.

You could look back to other 9 Universal Years, like 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007, and 2016, as you were in the energy of your 1st Pinnacle in those years, too. Can you see the common thread? The common narrative that played out through each of them?

What is the main soul-work that has been highlighted for you?

What are the key changes you can see you need to make?

Intentionally engaging this work will not only support 2025 to flow much more smoothly for you; it will support your soul's journey in this lifetime.

Additionally, if you’re familiar with numerology, I encourage you to reflect on the keywords, themes, and symbols of your Personal Month Number for October, 2024. As we've been exploring, this Number corresponds to your 1st Pinnacle and to your Personal Year Number for 2025. Meditating on its significations will help you to more intentionally engage the conversation that Life, Source, or Great Mystery is trying to have with you.

It’s also important to explore where else this Number appears in your numerology chart. What other clues or information does your chart offer about your childhood experience and past life story? For example, is this Number present on your Planes of Expression? Is it a karmic lesson? Does it appear in your Heart Number, your Destiny Number, or your 2nd Life Path Period? Where else is it, if anywhere?

Make time to sit with your numerology chart, and to reflect deeply on the ancient storylines running through it.

In conclusion

I hope this has offered both food for thought and a greater context for what may be a difficult or intense month and year ahead.

Trust the process. Embrace the lessons. Know that each challenge is a stepping stone toward greater self-awareness. And remember that the insights you gain now are laying the foundation for your soul work next year.

I’d love to hear your insights as you reflect on these themes. Please feel free to reach out and share what’s coming up for you.

And if you think this article will serve others, please share it within your circles—your engagement helps my little business to grow and supports the growth of archetypal literacy in our community.

Thank you for your company on this path. You know I'm so grateful for it!

Deepest blessings. 🙏 Peace

Juliette xo

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on the Birth Path Number

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